We have some exciting projects underway. Find out about the research team, and the incredible serendipity surrounding this project. Discover how by sharing this podcast you have been part of the herb-to-clinic revolution and how you have helped support a Tibetan orphanage.
This fun episode takes you through the folktale of dang gui as well as revealing the cutting edge pharmacology of herbal formulas that are miraculous for women's health.
Join Zen Master and Anesthesiologist Tom Whalen MD on a three part journey from overwork and burn out to thriving in chaos and recharging on the go.
Join Zen Master and Anesthesiologist Tom Whalen MD on a three part journey from overwork and burn out to thriving in chaos and recharging on the go.
Join Zen Master and Anesthesiologist Tom Whalen MD on a three part journey from overwork and burn out to thriving in chaos and recharging on the go.