Epidemics are not new to Chinese society.
Dr. Liu Qingquan (刘清泉), director of Beijing TCM hospital and Dr. Tong Xiaolin (仝小林), vice director of Guang An Men hospital, were among the first doctors entering SARS infected area and both treated hundreds of SARS patients in 2003.
Dr. Tong Xiaolin helped formulate the TCM treatment protocols which were used nationally and tremendously helped China to win the battle with SARS.
16 years later, they arrived in Wuhan, the frontline of fighting the novel coronavirus. They saw patients from both the inpatient departments and ICU. After carefully checking the patients, they and the expert panel came to the conclusion that the novel coronavirus causing pneumonia fell into the TCM categories of “疫病”Yi Bing (Plague) and more specifically “湿瘟” Shi Wen (Damp Plague).
A man becomes possessed during a Lakota ceremony gone wrong. An evil wind causes nightmares in Sichuan. A man wakes up with a sensation of a ghost pressing on him. Could there be a microbial component to our experiences with the supernatural? What can this teach us about consciousness and who we truly are?
Seeing a kid with a fever can be scary. Understanding how digestion plays a role can help make complex cases simple.