Corydalis has been used for pain and was a major herb in formula for opiate addiction following the Chinese opiate wars. Discover how its use as a topic can relieve pain and enhance quality of life for those suffering from sharp or throbbing pain associated with blood stasis.
Wade has lived in ashrams, competed at the Mr. Universe as a drug free vegetarian, written several books, and co-founded a nutrition company. He's also served as an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute. Why is this good for you? Because you get to discover how enzymes can help you look better, think clearer, and fix your tummy.
This is our filter for tradition and science in natural medicine. This is a huge time saver that can save you from wasting time and energy. It helps keep you focussed on the time tested, evidence backed natural health practices that actually work.
With his Ph.D in the various schools of Chinese Medicine, Dr. Jin Zhao is uniquely positioned to reveal the one true school of Classical Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Jin Zhao is a 5th generation doctor with his Ph.D in the history and development of schools of thought in Chinese Medicine. He is a professor and a very busy clinician who sees over 200 patients a day. He holds that mastery is not about esoteric knowledge or secret techniques, but better organizing what you already know in a more efficient way.
In this whiskey fueled discussion kilt clad Herbalist Brehan Crawford discusses The Tiger King, Horny cat ladies, and a dangerous parasite linked to behavioral changes. Discover the herbs shown to kill this parasite.
After a round of antibiotics Cathy felt exhausted and was losing her memory. Her job was suffering as a result. By using herbs to "warm" her gut she recovered. What is behind the thermal nature of herbs? Recent studies have shown that it may have to do with gene expression with regard to metabolism, the immune system, endocrine system, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and blood circulation.
Stillness gives birth to movement. We explore a top down and bottom up approach to aligning the major joints of the body (seven stars) for greater tensegrity and then springing into life with white gibbon footwork. I then talk about the fabled "Lightness skill" of martial arts fantasy and explore the truth behind the myth as taught by Daoists near Qing Cheng Mountain in Sichuan.
Patchouli, aka Huo xiang is great for damp loving pathogens and you can grow it fairly easily. We explore its cultivation, uses, and recipes.
I learned some amazing Tantric Sex Secrets on Qing Cheng Mountain. If you apply these I guarantee it will improve your entire life. Discover where Tantra, Daoist sexuality, and botanical medicine converge and how you can apply this internal alchemy immediately.
We can't always reach for medicine. We can't always depend on others for healthcare, but as long as we are breathing, we can adjust our breathing to halt viral transcription. This is knowledge every human should have to keep our global tribe healthy.
Dr. Sandra Subotich got a call from an old friend. Her partner had just returned from Mardi Gras and was infected. Soon after she fell ill. Discover the three herbal formulas which she used to break the fever and return back to a normal life.
Dr. Jin Zhao has been working with a team of TCM doctors to successfully treat patients with the Corona virus (Covid-19) both in an integrative setting and using botanical medicine alone.
Dr. Ayla Wolf and Dr. Clayton Shiu discuss neurological testing and Chinese Medicine as well as their upcoming classes.
Epidemics are not new to Chinese society.
Dr. Liu Qingquan (刘清泉), director of Beijing TCM hospital and Dr. Tong Xiaolin (仝小林), vice director of Guang An Men hospital, were among the first doctors entering SARS infected area and both treated hundreds of SARS patients in 2003.
Dr. Tong Xiaolin helped formulate the TCM treatment protocols which were used nationally and tremendously helped China to win the battle with SARS.
16 years later, they arrived in Wuhan, the frontline of fighting the novel coronavirus. They saw patients from both the inpatient departments and ICU. After carefully checking the patients, they and the expert panel came to the conclusion that the novel coronavirus causing pneumonia fell into the TCM categories of “疫病”Yi Bing (Plague) and more specifically “湿瘟” Shi Wen (Damp Plague).
A man becomes possessed during a Lakota ceremony gone wrong. An evil wind causes nightmares in Sichuan. A man wakes up with a sensation of a ghost pressing on him. Could there be a microbial component to our experiences with the supernatural? What can this teach us about consciousness and who we truly are?
Seeing a kid with a fever can be scary. Understanding how digestion plays a role can help make complex cases simple.
This simple breathing exercise will help you align, power up, and have a beautiful day.
In Sichuan I would go to a special clinic whenever I had a cold and this special mixture fixed restored me right away. They also used it to treat chronic pain and had many patients who swore by this formula. Then as I was about to return to the US, the owner let me in on his secret recipe.
This tinging, pain soothing, mold killing spice has been treasured for over 4,000 years.
In 1347 Chinese physician Zhu Dan Xi described the pathogenesis of Bipolar disorder as originating from mucus accumulation in his book "Heart Method". Modern research on gasotransmitters and the mucosal biofilm seems to support his theory. Can his botanical formula help those suffering from bipolar disorder today?
Plastic permeates our food, water, and air making us fat, infertile, and susceptible to hidden pathogens. This is producing strange disease patterns that leave many clinicians at a loss for answers. If we are to protect ourselves then we must learn to adapt to these increasing environmental pressures.
Lyme disease causes far more than pain and fatigue, it can also lead to adhesions and reduce joint mobility. Discover how Fabrice Piche and Dr. Clayton Shiu worked to improve mobility with a patient suffering from chronic Lyme disease.
Gegen, (radix pueraria) is an important herb in Chinese medicine. Here we discuss the folktale, pharmacology, clinical use and why we included it in our most popular formula "Microgard Plus".