Explore how gut health can influence heavy pain and fatigue in the body. pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Discover what different types of aches and pains are trying to tell you. In this 8 part series pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Explore the Aztec folktale and modern pharmacology of a staple vegetable. It has the power to help with some of the biggest challenges we face today. Discover how nopales help prevent cancer, regulate blood sugar, and clear away extra fat.
Discover a botanical therapy we use clinically to help eliminate both physical and emotional pain.
Hua Tuo was the most famous doctors in Chinese history. In today’s story the spirit of a peony tries to send him a message in the night and he manages to screw up divine providence. Discover how the simple herb has profound applications depending on its context. Get the skinny on bai shao and how it can help with menstruation, the immune system, and nerve function.
We have some exciting projects underway. Find out about the research team, and the incredible serendipity surrounding this project. Discover how by sharing this podcast you have been part of the herb-to-clinic revolution and how you have helped support a Tibetan orphanage.
This fun episode takes you through the folktale of dang gui as well as revealing the cutting edge pharmacology of herbal formulas that are miraculous for women's health.
Join Zen Master and Anesthesiologist Tom Whalen MD on a three part journey from overwork and burn out to thriving in chaos and recharging on the go.
Join Zen Master and Anesthesiologist Tom Whalen MD on a three part journey from overwork and burn out to thriving in chaos and recharging on the go.
Join Zen Master and Anesthesiologist Tom Whalen MD on a three part journey from overwork and burn out to thriving in chaos and recharging on the go.
What if there was an easy way to treat colitis using microscopic flora found living within us? Today we are joined by microbiologist Amy (Bunny) Christie to talk about fecal transplants and their applications.
Does dog diarrhea ever destroy your day? Feel sad seeing your pets limp around with arthritis? Do you hate it when your warhorses are suffering from parasites while defending the Chinese border from blood thirsty Jurchen hordes? Whether you want to enjoy a happier time with your pets, reduce your vet bills, or simply win a war with medicine, this is the podcast episode you will want to download and share with your friends.
You have questions? We have answers. In this episode, we cover pesticides in teas, coffee for fat loss and a single herb claimed to treat cancer. Please keep the questions coming.
Timing is the heart and soul of botanical medicine. It rules our lives and the lives of medicinal plants. Discover how to maximize nature's rhythms to power up, heal from old injuries, and enjoy the blessings in every season of life.
Simon Locket and Marc Mastrandrea let you in on the secret to long-term joint care. From diet and lifestyle to the 18 method exercises (shi ba fa十八法) that allowed them to go from living with knee pain to having healthy, flexible joints again. I’ve followed their advice and I can personally attest to its effect. If you find joint pain hindering your athletic progress, then this is an essential (and fun) episode.
Join Dr. Daniel Finley and discover botanical medicines for healing severe spinal cord injuries. Discover the interesting folktale and pharmacology of herbal formulas for neuroregeneration.
Discover how two young friends became wealthy using a botanical to cure infections and depression- the stories and pharmacology of Chai Hu (Radix Bupleuri). We also announce our monthly winner for April, 2017.
Discover how a skin balm shifted the tides of war over 2000 years ago and what it can teach us about skin repair and rejuvenation.
Marc Mastrandrea joins us from Beijing to discuss how he kills bacteria, and stops viruses in their tracks using botanical medicine. Discover how to super charge your neti pot, and what martial arts can teach us about medicine.
Discover an herbal antibiotic powerhouse that you can grow in your garden.
Thanks for reaching out with your great questions! Here are our answers. We cover sugar cravings, airborne allergies, and tea quality. We also announce our monthly winner for March, 2017. Please keep the great questions coming.
Join the top integrative eye specialist Dr. Andy Rosenfarb. Discover the early warning signs of eye diseases, how so-called “hopeless” eye diseases such as Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Retinits Pigmetosa (RP), Glaucoma, and Diabetic Retinopathy are being slowed and reversed, and how to take care of your vision in the era of screens.
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, founder and clinical director of Acupuncture Health Associates in Westfield, NJ, is a world-renowned expert in the field of Chinese Medical Opthalmology. Since 1997, he has been leading the field in integrated treatment methods that combine Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine and new cutting-edge therapies to help people suffering from debilitating eye diseases to maintain and improve their eyesight.
Drawing from his extensive training and clinical experience, Dr. Rosenfarb recently teamed with researchers at John Hopkins University to design the acupuncture protocol for the first-ever clinical study on the efficiency of treating RP with acupuncture. He serves on the Board of Directors for the American Association for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM), and as an Executive Council Member of the Specialty Committee of Ophthalmology, of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine.
Discover some of the best teas for energy metabolism and fat loss, and how they can allow you bend the rules when it comes to oils, sugars and beer while still maintaining internal balance.
Botanical medicines can be beneficial when used appropriately. When used in an integrated setting it's associated with higher levels of longevity. Still, much of the information about alternative medicine on social media is misleading. Here are ten ways to tell the difference between legitimate natural medicine and snake oil salesmen.