Join us on a journey spanning 1800 years from the Su Wen, to Dr. Li Dong Yuan, to yours truly and in the process come to understand how the qi theory of the an ancient Chinese medical text holds up next to modern evidence. We explore the herbs er miao san (Aquada) in depth to better understand why this simple, yet powerful formula works from both traditional and biomedical lenses.
Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac. has lectured widely both to the public and to students of both Chinese medicine and macrobiotics over the last thirty-five years. He is the former president of the Acupuncture Association of Colorado (1984-1987), where he spearheaded a successful drive to the licensure of acupuncture in that state. For twenty-three years, he served as Chair of the Department of Herbal Medicine at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, from which he retired in 2013. At present, Z’ev maintains a private practice in herbal medicine and acupuncture/moxabustion with a specialty in chronic autoimmune disorders. He terms what he practices as ‘full-strength Chinese medicine’, designed to manage and treat difficult conditions. He also directs the Alembic Institute, where he teaches advanced seminars in medical classics, pulse diagnosis, and treatment of autoimmune disorders. He is a senior researcher at Xinglin Institute for the Study of Early East Asian Medicine.
Z’ev has written articles for several professional Chinese medical and macrobiotic journals, and is a consultant and product developer for Kan Herb Company in Santa Cruz, Ca. He continues to write articles for professional journals and is working on two books, Return of the Yellow Emperor: Ecological Medicine for the 21st Century, and Healing the Broken Vessel.
What makes our faces lopsided or symmetrical? Third generation acupuncturist Stacey Ma, gives us her perspective as an expert in Bells palsy and facial symmetry.
Doug Dearth, Director of 9000 Needles (2009), Underdogs (2013) and Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) talks about medical integration and his inspiring new docuseries with the Acupuncture Now Foundation (ANF).
A woman wakes up with a swollen arm. The pain and swelling inches closer to her neck by the day. Acupuncturist Koji Otsuka takes us through his experiences treating army vets. Then Qiu Xuelan Ph.D and Tom Whalen MD discuss the underlying science of detoxification and nerve recovery
What can cells teach us about healing? How do emotions interact with epigenetics? Lori Earley L. Ac bridges the gap between the metaphysical and biological in this fascinating episode.
Drew Pierson of 40 years of Zen discussed consciousness, timelessness, and herbal chocolate.
Ro'aa obliterates her science fair rivals by exporing the antibacteria properties of huang qin and hu zhang
Tony Wrighton is a familiar face on British TV, known to millions as a sports presenter on Sky Sports.
He has written three NLP-related books published by Virgin Books, which have been translated into 12 languages. He is one of the country's foremost experts on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
He is the host of top-rated podcast Zestology, where he goes on a journey to find more energy, vitality and motivation.
Tony joined Sky Sports more than a decade ago. Before that, he worked at radio stations around the UK. He is a long-suffering QPR fan.
He's hosted lots of different sports on Sky Sports including football, golf, basketball, hockey, squash, pool, table tennis and even live ten-pin bowling.
Tony trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) back in 2004.
He was given a 3 book deal with Virgin Books, and his NLP-related print books on the subject have been translated into 12 languages including Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Turkish, Dutch and Croatian.
Tony's podcast Zestology and accompanying blog have interviewed some of the very biggest names in the field worldwide. These include Dr. John Gray, author of the biggest selling hardback non-fiction book of all time - Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and NYT bestselling author Dave Asprey.
Tony and Andrew chat about meditation, taiji, Tony's experiences with 40 Years of Zen and how not to get sucked up into a sex cult.
What if you could double check your diagnosis before moving ahead with a treatment? Take the next 20 minutes to understand how all the diagnostic theories in Chinese medicine come to the same root and how seeing the big picture master diagnosis and prognosis with ease Take the anxiety out of your practice and feel confident using higher doses to get faster, more accurate results.
Mahuang (herba ephedra) has inspired drugs like pseudofed, fen phen, and meth. Could a traditional antidote provide answers to the meth epidemic?
Min Jeon takes us to Korea for peek into the botanical medicine of Korea's elite.
With the help of Dr. Qiu Xuelan and Dr. Thomas Whalen we uncover the meeting point between the classical pathogenesis of diabetes in Chinese medicine and modern physiology. By looking at the herbal formulas we can get further insight into a universal treatment strategy which may be helpful no matter which modality of medicine you choose.
Stacey Donelson give us the inside scoop on CBD oil and Goodlife Botanicals.
Discover how macrophages use Nitric Oxide to Qi blast bacteria to death.
Chris Volesky L.Ac & Stacey Donelson L.Ac join us to discuss autoimmune disorders.
What can botanical medicines teach us about psycological disorders ?
Modern medicine rests on the foundation of antibiotics. We love them for their fast acting, life saving capacity and yet we also understand the trauma they cause to our gut microbiota. In some cases your gut flora may take years to recover. This will affect every aspect of your physiology. How can we make the best uses of both antibiotics and plant-based medicine? Go beyond probiotics and discover some easy ways to cultivate your internal kingdom.
Pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on formulas traditionally said to increase yin and explore what we can discover about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Discover what the pharmacology of blood building herbs can teach us about pain, energy, and depression. Pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
How your thoughts can influence hormones and inflammatory gasses like nitric oxide to increase pain, decrease energy, and keep you stuck in a state of depression. Pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.
Explore how gut health can influence heavy pain and fatigue in the body. pain specialist Tom Whalen MD joins Andrew Miles DOM to take an integrated perspective on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and depression.